Dear Hospitaller Family, we are now three weeks into the 22nd General Chapter, and we would like to share with you a summary of this time in photos:
On our day of rest, a group of sisters did not want to miss the opportunity to visit Mary in this month of May, and they did so in the Church of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore, in Piazza Navona (Rome).
After days of listening, dialogue and discernment of our Chapter community, from the participation and contributions made by all the communities of the Congregation since the beginning of this process, we have approved our directory!
We began this second phase of revision of the six-year report with the reflection that Brother Emili Turu (Marist) helped us to make on our Chapter motto: ‘prophetic signs of hope and of the nearness of God’.
The different realities that make up our Congregation were presented in a synthetic but significant way. We began the discernment of our Chapter document, accompanied by Fr. Juan Bytton, SJ, in a time of prayer with the method of spiritual conversation, from the perspective of Mercy in the Bible.
Thank you for your closeness during these days! Continue to pray for this General Chapter, asking especially for the intercession of Saint Benedict Menni, the Venerable María Josefa Recio and María Angustias Giménez Vera, to help us in the renewal of our commitment to our shared hospitaller mission, at the service of suffering humanity!